Saturday, August 22, 2020

Philippine History Essay Example

Philippine History Essay THE ADVENT OF EUROPEAN DISCOVERY AND CONQUEST FERDINAND MAGELLAN * A Portuguese traveler who is known as the first circumnavigator of the Earth. * Born in 1480 at Saborosa/Sabrosa in Villa Real, Province of Traz os Montes, Portugal. * His first spell as a sea pioneer started in 1505 when he offered his administrations to be a piece of Francisco d’Almeida’s undertaking. * Ferdinand Magellan revoked his citizenship and offered his administrations to the King of Spain. Settlement OF TORDESILLAS * The division of the world was requested by Pope Alexander VI because of the ceaseless â€Å"sea rivalry† among Portugal and Spain. Significant arrangements of the bargain: * At a separation of 370 degrees west of the Cape Verde Islands, the settlement gave a fanciful line attracted from north to south. All grounds that will be found east of this fanciful line would be possessed by Portugal and those on the west would have a place with Spain. * In the event that Spain finds handles that are inside the division line of Portugal, they ought to be gone over to the last mentioned. Then again, if Portugal found grounds that are not inside their boundary line, they ought to be gone over to Spain. Pope Alexander VI, being a Spaniard, requested that no Portuguese boats will be sent to lands having a place with Spain in any event, with the end goal of exchange and trade. FERDINAND MAGELLAN’S SHIPS TRINIDAD * Flagship of the undertaking * Commanded by Ferdinand Magellan CONCEPCION * Commanded by Gaspar de Quesada VICTORIA * Commanded by Luis de Mendoza SANTIAGO * Commanded by Juan Serrano SAN ANTONIO * Commanded by Juan de Cartagena FERDINAND MAGELLAN’S EXPEDITION First Event * Magellan was given several Spanish teams to assist him with satisfying his campaign objectives. We will compose a custom exposition test on Philippine History explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Philippine History explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Philippine History explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer They heard Mass in the Church of Santa Lucia de la Victoria (Santa Maria de la Victoria de Triana) and the skipper of his boats just as their groups made a vow of loyalty to Magellan as their president. Second Event * On September 20, 1519, Ferdinand Magellan and the remainder of his men started their campaign. The boats cruised down from Quadalquivir River to San Lucar de Barrameda. Following two months of troublesome journey, hardship, and yearning, the undertaking arrived at what is presently Pernambuco in Brazil. From here, Magellan proceeded with his journey to Rio de Janeiro and arrived at Rio de la Plata in February, 1520. Third Event * An uprising was arranged by Ferdinand Magellan’s team, specifically Quesada (Concepcion transport), Mendoza (Victoria boat), and Cartagena (San Antonio transport). Magellan figured out how to stop their endeavor to assume responsibility for the entire campaign and in the long run rebuffed the culprits of the revolt. Fourth Event * The Santiago was completely destroyed because of the outrageous condition and limitlessness of the Pacific Ocean. On October 21, 1520, a waterway was found by Ferdinand Magellan by and by called the Strait of Magellan. Fifth Event * In March, 1521, Ferdinand Magellan arrived at the Ladrones Islands. They invested some energy to rest and acquire new food and water. Ladrones implies â€Å"thieves† in Spanish. THE REDISCOVERY OF THE PHILIPPINES * On March 17, 1521, Magellan and his men saw the mountains of what is currently called Samar (Agoncillo and Mangahas, 2010). * Magellan and his men made their first landfall on a Philippine island called Homonhon on March 18, 1521. * They proceeded with their route and arrived at the islet of Limasawa. It was represented by Rajah Kulambu. * Magellan and Rajah Kulambu made sure about a relationship and in the end fixed their kinship through a blood conservative called the sanduguan on March 29, 1521. The main mass in the Philippines was commended on March 31, 1521 on the bank of Limasawa which was administered by Fr. Pedro de Valderrama. * Magellan, along with Rajah Kulambu, arrived at the island of Cebu on April 7, 1521. Rajah Humabon (leader of Cebu) acknowledged Ferdinand Magellan in his island. * Rajah Humabon’s Christian n ame was Carlos, out of appreciation for the King of Spain (Charles/Carlos). His significant other Hara Amihan was purified through water under the name of Juana, to pay tribute to King Charles’ mother (Johanna). * Ferdinand Magellan gave Juana a picture of the Infant Jesus as a present for her absolution. THE BATTLE OF MACTAN Conflict between the two rajahs started the acclaimed Battle of Mactan. It was a contention between Rajah Sula and Rajah Lapu-Lapu, both from Mactan Island. * While Magellan was in Cebu, Rajah Sula went there and requested Magellan’s help to wage a war against Rajah Lapu-Lapu. * From Cebu, he cruised for Mactan with 1,000 Cebuano warriors and 60 Spaniards. * Rajah Lapu-Lapu dwarfed Magellan’s power. He was likewise murdered by Rajah Lapu-Lapu’s men. Criticalness OF MAGELLAN’S EXPEDITION * It demonstrated that the Earth is round. * It likewise spearheaded the utilization of the ocean course as opposed to the land course. The ex plorers acknowledged how tremendous the Pacific Ocean was. * The excellence and wealth of the Philippines caught the intrigue and consideration of the European colonizers. VILLALOBOS EXPEDITION * Headed by Ruy Lopez de Villalobos * His campaign began on November 1, 1542 and arrived at Mindanao three months after the fact. * Villalobos requested his men to plant corn so as to stay away from starvation. Be that as it may, the yield neglected to take care of them so Villalobos sent Bernardo de la Torre to Tandaya to get some food. * As an indication of appreciation, he named the islands Samar and Leyte Felipinas out of appreciation for Prince Philip of Spain. Villalobos left the Philippines and cruised for the Moluccas Island yet was caught by the Portuguese mariners. LEGAZPI EXPEDITION * Headed by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi * The undertaking was involved four boats and 380 groups. * Legazpi began to cruise on November 21, 1564 at the Mexican port. He arrived at Cebu in February of 1565. * After arriving at Cebu, Legazpi went to Cibabao (Leyte) at that point to Samar. Legazpi fixed his fellowship with a portion of the nearby chieftains around there through a blood smaller. THE PHILIPPINES UNDER SPANISH COLONIAL RULE †PART I Reduccion System * A region under the prompt political control of a state. A state is separated into territory, pueblo, barangay. * A region is made out of various pueblos. * A pueblo is made out of various barangays. Focal Government * The force originates from the King of Spain. * The delegate of the King of Spain in the Philippines is the Spanish Governor-General. * Two branches: Executive Controlled by the Spanish Governor-General. Legal executive Controlled by the Real/Royal Audiencia, lower court, and the Spanish Governor-General. * There was no administrative part of government under the Spanish occupation since all laws originated from Spain through imperial announcements. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (1502-1572) First Spanish Governor-General in the Philippines. Representative General * Implement all the orders and requests of the King of Spain. * Serve as the head of the Spanish armed force to the Philippines. * Manage and order the Spanish armed force to ensure the state. * Appoint and evacuate government authorities. * Manage and control any administration office. * Implement and execute equity; absolving power. * The most impressive political authority in the Philippines during the Spanish occupation. * Representative of the King of Spain as the leader of the provincial government. His residency of intensity relies upon the certainty of the Spanish Crown. * His official force is outright; then again, his legal and authoritative forces are restricted. Genuine/Royal Audiencia * This alludes to the most noteworthy official courtroom in the Philippines during the Spanish occupation. * This is proportionate to the Supreme Court of the Philippines. * It was built up in 1584 (Manila). * Santiago de Vera †first president * It was ordered to decipher all laws. * It had the position to unravel cases relating to human rights infringement. * It was entrusted to review all the costs of the pilgrim government. It likewise had an administrative capacity. The Real/Royal Audiencia had the force, along with the Governor-General, to authorize laws known as the Autos Acordados. Encomienda * This included the land, the harvests that can be found in it, and the individuals living on it. * The encomienda framework was an old practice in Spain wherein the King, with an end goal to perceive the great deeds, administrations, and dedication of his officials and men granted a land parcel. * Those who got the encomiendas were called encomienderos. Elements of Encomiendero * Protect the individuals from any sort of assaults composed by equipped gatherings. Deal with the general government assistance of the individuals. * Maintain harmony and request inside his encomienda. * Help the Spanish evangelists spread the lessons of Christianity to the indigenous individuals. * Collect assessments from the individuals living inside his encomienda. Nearby Government Provincial Government * The sort of neighborhood government which supplanted the encomienda framework. * Occupied the biggest unit of the nearby government. * Two sorts: alcadia and corregimiento alcadia * These were regions whose occupants had acknowledged the Spanish principle; â€Å"peaceful† * Ruled and represented by alcalde civic chairman lcalde city hall leader * Performed official and legal capacities. * He was selected by the Spanish Governor-General * He was commanded by the Spanish Governor-General to uphold laws in his regions and gather charges. * He had the ability to administer equity. * He was given the benefit to take part in exchange * â€Å"Indulto de comercio† was conceded as a benefit since this position got just a little compensation. * However, this benefit was mishandled and along these lines was canceled I

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